Dr. Tang's image; copyright 

Yuzhe Tang

Associate Professor
Dept. of EECS, Syracuse University
4206 Center of Science and Technology,
Syracuse, 13244-4100
Email: ytang100 [at] syr [dot] edu
C.V.: [webpage],[pdf]
@Twitter, Github, Scholar, LinkedIn


We have Ph.D. opennings for self-motivated and talented students to join our group [link]. Please share your thoughts on my recent papers before sending an email.

  • Sep 2024: Research on blockchain security is accepted to IEEE S&P 25. Congrats to Wanning and Yibo!

  • Aug 2024: Blockchain security research is funded by Ethereum Foundation. Thank you, EF!

  • Aug 2024: My student Yibo receives USENIX Security’24 Travel grant. Congrats to Yibo!

  • July 2024: Serve NDSS 25 program committee. Please submit your best work.

  • June 2024: Invited to talk about our blockchain research at NTU Blockhain Symposium in Singapore [website].

  • June 2024: Invited to talk about our blockchain research at SBC 2024 in NYC [website].

  • May 2024: Serve Euro S&P 25 program committee. Please submit your best work.

  • May 2024: Research on blockchain mempool fuzzing accepted to USENIX Security 24. Congrats to Yibo!

  • May 2024: Serve IEEE S&P 25 program committee. Please submit your best work.

  • May 2024: Host an educational workshop for using our [BADD labs] in CS, FinTech courses: [workshop webpage]

  • March 2024: Research on Ethereum key leakage and misuse accepted to WWW 24 (short paper). Congrats to Yuxuan and Jiaqi!

  • Feb 2024: Serve ACSAC 24 program committee. Please submit your best work.

  • Feb 2024: Serve RAID 24 program committee. Please submit your best work [CFP].

  • Jan 2024: Joint research on upgradable smart contracts accepted to WWW 24. Congrats to Xiaofan and Jin!

  • Oct 2023: Serve Euro S&P 24 PC and WWW 24 Security Area Chair. Please submit your best work.

  • Aug 2023: Presented blockchain-security work at the Stanford Blockchain Conference [SBC 2023].

  • Apr 2023: The security patch we developed is merged to Geth 1.11.4 [release notes]. Congrats to Wanning, Yibo and Yuxuan!

  • Apr 2023: Grateful to receive an academic grant from Ethereum Foundation on blockchain security research [news].

  • Mar 2023: Grateful to receive cloud funds from [CloudBank].

  • Mar 2023: Serve NDSS 24 program committee. Please submit your best work: [CFP].

  • Mar 2023: Serve ACSAC 23 program committee. Please submit your best work: [CFP].

  • Feb 2023: DeFi security work is conditionally accepted to Euro S&P 23. Congrats to Jiaqi!

  • Feb 2023: Joint research on Blockchain Data Explorer is accepted to IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC)!

  • Jan 2023: Research on Blockchain Ethics is accepted to EthiCS 23!

  • Jan 2023: The extension of our iBatch work (FSE’21) is accepted to TSE 23. Congrats to Yibo and Jiaqi!

  • Oct 2022: My student Wanning Ding received Ethereum Protocol Fellowship. Congrats to Wanning!

  • Aug 2022: Serve Euro S&P 23 program committee. Please submit your best work: [CFP].

  • Aug 2022: Blockchain paper accepted to ConsensusDay 2022. Congrats to Yibo and Kai!

  • July 2022: Grateful to receive an NSF CNS grant (Single PI) on blockchain systems research.

  • June 2022: Grateful to receive an academic grant (Single PI) from Ethereum Foundation on blockchain security research.

  • June 2022: Invited talk on blockchain applications at DBSec 2022 [link].

  • Apr. 2022: My Ph.D. student [Kai Li] is joining [the Computer Science Dept. at San Diego State Univ.] as a tenure-track Assistant Professor. Godspeed to Kai!!

  • Feb. 2022: Invited talk on our blockchain research in [UK Security seminar] and at [NUS].

  • Feb. 2022: Invited talk in [NSF blockchain-education workshop]: [slides].

  • Sep. 2021: Research on blockchain system security accepted to ACM CCS 2021. Congrats to Kai and Yibo!

  • Aug. 2021: Research on blockchain network measurement accepted to ACM IMC 2021. Congrats to Kai!

  • Aug. 2021: SGX/TEE research accepted to ACM Middleware 2021 (Industrial track).

  • Aug. 2021: Serve a blockchain panel in VLDB’21 [link].

  • June 2021: Grateful to receive an NSF SaTC education grant. We will be developing blockchain labs [link].

  • June 2021: Research on blockchain cost optimization accepted to ESEC/FSE 2021. Congrats to Yibo, Kai and Jiaqi!

  • Oct. 2020: Research on blockchain system security accepted to NDSS 2021. Congrats to Kai, Jiaqi and Xianghong!

  • Aug. 2020: Research on blockchain cost optimization accepted to Middleware 2020. Congrats to Kai and Zhehu!

  • Nov. 2019: Chair blockchain workshop BlockDM 2020. Please submit your best work [link].

  • July 2019: Deliver a public lecture to K-12 in Syracuse City School District.

  • Apr 2019: Honorable mention in Google & Intel 2019 C3 Challenge. Congrats to Kai and Burak! [link]

  • May 2018: Release blockchain labs and deliver them in the SEED workshop: [link].

  • Apr. 2018: Release Intel SGX labs: [link].

Research Interests

I am broadly interested in cyber-security and computer systems research. My current research tackles problems in the emerginng/fast-evolving domains like blockchains, web3, and smart contracts from the following angles:

  • Vulnerability discovery

  • Defenses and provable security

  • Security measurement in the wild

  • Performance and workloads

  • Security education

My projects are generously supported by National Science Foundation, Ethereum Foundation, etc.

My research results in patches in popular open-source software, such as Ethereum Go client [Geth 1.11.4]. I also build the [BADD labs] for active learning in Blockchain And Dapp Development.

Selected Publications

Underline: students advised by me.

  • USENIX Security'24: “Understanding Ethereum Mempool Security under Asymmetric DoS by Symbolized Stateful Fuzzing”, AR=14.5%, Yibo Wang, Yuzhe Tang, Kai Li, Wanning Ding, Zhihua Yang. [pdf], [slides]

  • WWW'24: “Characterizing Ethereum Upgradable Smart Contracts and Their Security Implications”, AR=20.2%, Xiaofan Li, Jin Yang, Jiaqi Chen, Yuzhe Tang, Xing Gao. [preprint], [slides]

  • WWW'24 (short paper): “Towards Understanding Crypto-Asset Risks on Ethereum Caused by Key Leakage on the Internet”, Yuxuan Zhou*, Jiaqi Chen*, Yibo Wang, Yuzhe Tang and G. Gu. (* co first authors).

  • Euro S&P'23: “Understanding the Security Risks of Decentralized Exchanges by Uncovering Unfair Trades in the Wild”, AR=35.7%, Jiaqi Chen, Yibo Wang, Yuxuan Zhou, Wanning Ding , Yuzhe Tang, X. Wang, Kai Li. [preprint], [slides], [2-page slides]

  • CCS'21: “DETER: Denial of Ethereum Txpool sERvices”, AR=22%, Kai Li, Yibo Wang, Yuzhe Tang. [pdf], [slides], [talk], [poster], [Patch@Geth-1.11.4], [CVE-2022-23327], [CVE-2022-23328]

  • NDSS'21: “As Strong As Its Weakest Link: How to Break (and Fix) Blockchain DApps at RPC Service”, AR=15.2%, Kai Li, Jiaqi Chen, Xianghong Liu, Yuzhe Tang, X. Wang, X. Luo. [pdf], [slides], [demo1], [demo2]

  • IMC'21: “TopoShot: Uncovering Ethereum's Network Topology Leveraging Replacement Transactions”, AR=28%, Kai Li, Yuzhe Tang, Jiaqi Chen, Yibo Wang, Xianghong Liu. [pdf], [slides], [poster], [open dataset], [talk@IMC’21]

  • FSE'21: “iBatch: Saving Ethereum Fees via Secure and Cost-Effective Batching of Smart-Contract Invocations”, AR=24.5%, Yibo Wang, Qi Zhang, Kai Li, Yuzhe Tang, Jiaqi Chen, X. Luo, T. Chen. [pdf], [extended version], [html], [slides]

  • Middleware'21 (Industrial track): “Authenticated Key-Value Stores with Hardware Enclaves”, Yuzhe Tang, Kai Li, Q. Zhang, J. Xu, J. Chen. [pdf], [extended version] [slides]

  • Middleware'20: “Cost-Effective Data Feeds to Blockchains via Workload-Adaptive Data Replication”, AR=25.2%, Kai Li, Yuzhe Tang, Jiaqi Chen, Zhehu Yuan, C. Xu, J. Xu. [pdf], [extended version], [slides], [talk@Middleware’20], [code]

  • ICDE'19: “GEM^2-Tree: A Gas-Efficient Structure for Authenticated Range Queries in Blockchain”, Full Paper, AR=26.8%, C. Zhang, C. Xu, J. Xu, Yuzhe Tang, B. Choi. [pdf]

Full list of publications: [link], [DBLP].

Open-source Software


I am fortunate and grateful to work with the following bright Ph.D. students.

  • Yibo Wang [link]: Security'24, FSE'21, TSE'23; S&P'25, IMC'21, CCS'21

  • Jiaqi Chen [link]: WWW'24, WWW'24 (short), Euro S&P'23; NDSS'21, IMC'21, FSE'21, Middleware'20

  • Wanning Ding [link]: S&P'25, Ethereum Protocol Fellowship’22; Security’24

  • Zhihua Yang [link]: Security’24

  • Jin Yang [link]: WWW'24

  • Yuxuan Zhou [link]: WWW’24 (short);


  • Kai Li (Ph.D.) [link]: Tenure-track Assistant Professor at San Diego State Univ. (2022 NortonLifeLock Fellowship finalist, internship at IBM Research; Ethereum academic grant awardee)

[Link] to our FullStack Security Lab (FSSL).
