The mission of our FSSL (FullStack Security Lab) at Syracuse University is to understand and improve the security of emerging web services and off-the-shelf hardware products in novel and deployed application scenarios. Our research method is usually a combination of protocol analysis, program analysis, real-world measurement, cost-effective defense, and other designs that can be put in a large-scale practical use.
Current Ph.D. students
Undergraduates (REU)
Lucy DiSalvo |
Teddy Dumitru |
Jack Willis |
Eniola Mosaku |
Nicholas P. Sweet |
Qi Zhang, M.Sc.: CertiK
Sencer Burak Somuncuoglu, M.Sc.: Chainalysis
Katchaguy Areekijseree, M.Sc.: PhD at Syracuse Univ.
Hari Krishna Gajarla, M.Sc.: Bloomberg
Vinutha Karanth, M.Sc.: Microsoft
Zhehu Yuan [link], B.Sc.: Ph.D. at NYU
Qiwu Zou, B.Sc.: Cornell,
Hao Zhou, B.Sc.: Columbia
Congcong Xie, B.Sc.: NYU->Oracle
Adam Piekarski, B.Sc. (REU)
Jeong Bin Oh, B.Sc. (REU): A database startup
Cheng Xu (Visiting scholar) [link]: Postdoc at Simon Fraser Univ.
Group pictures
July, 2023 (Welcome party for Lucy)
Oct., 2022 (Attending CCS’22)
Mini lab reunion with Dr. Kai Li in Los Angeles when attending CCS’22.
Yibo presenting his work at ConsensusDay’22 in Los Angeles.
Apr., 2022
After Kai Li's Ph.D. defense
Nov., 2021
Aug., 2021
Aug., 2020
Jan., 2020
Oct., 2019
After an invited talk by Dr. Yue Duan.
July, 2019 (Summer REU)
Dec., 2018
May, 2018
July, 2017
After a lecture to the NSBE Junior Science Camp